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If you do not see your employer here, you can try a different search or contact your HR department if you believe there has been a mistake.

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By selecting Confirm, you will be redirected to your company's employee screening page, or retry your search above.

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That search does not match any registered employers. You can try searching for a different name that your employer might be using, or contact your HR department if you believe there has been a mistake.

COVID-19 Testing

Do you think you currently have COVID-19? *
This field is required
Do you have any of the following symptoms which are unusual for you? *
This field is required
Do you have any of the following symptoms? *
This field is required
Do you have, or feel like you have, a fever? *
This field is required
Do you have a member of your household suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19? *
This field is required
Have you had close contact, without personal protective equipment, with a person suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19? *
This field is required
Are you an Employee of Albertsons Companies? *
This field is required
If yes, please provide your employee ID:
Please confirm and enter valid ID. Employees of Albertsons Companies will be required to present employee identification at the testing site
Missing required answers

COVID-19 Antibody Testing

This is second Page

COVID-19 Testing Eligible

Based on your responses, you are eligible for COVID-19 testing. Please use the button below to search for a test site and schedule an appointment.

Please note that at this time, testing locations are limited and may not be available in your area. If you do not find a testing site that works for you, please know that we are working to make more test sites available as quickly as possible, and we will keep our website updated as new testing sites become available or CDC guidance on testing changes.

For more information about the coronavirus, please visit www.cdc.gov

COVID-19 Testing Non-Eligible

At this time, you are not eligible to receive COVID-19 testing. Thank you.

For more information about the coronavirus, please visit www.cdc.gov